
My Personal Origin Story

In the year 2012, I was forced to transfer from my dream course in the quest to become a dental surgeon in the foremost university of benin after I “jabo” in my pathology viva examination with 5 solid years of efforts and hardwork gone down the drain and i had to start all over, believe me it was painful and energy sapping and although I didn’t know it at the time, it was the best thing that could ever happen to me.

In between my transition to nursing science and My painful exit from school of dentistry( About almost a year where I got exposed to digital skill set) opened up my eyes to the amazing world of online entrepreneurship, and since then I’ve built a successful online business, that have impacted my world of people around me, and it’s fun doing things your own way and seeing results.

I didn’t go to business school and I’m not an expert copywriter or genius marketer. I am, however, a person who knows that building a successful online business is about helping serve others first, and then building a team, or systems, to lean into that service even more. My goals in life are NOT to buy an island, drive a lambo or live in a 10 bedroom home in Banana island or Lekki peninsula.

My goals are instead to inspire everyone around me through the actions that I take, the lessons that I learn and the happiness I can share with others.

My Guiding Principles

I have a few guiding principles to keep myself grounded and focused on the right things. After all, in the world of online business, it’s just as easy to lose your path as find it. These principles keep me on course.

  • The best and worst things in life are usually the things that happen unplanned.

When bad things happen, learn from them and vow to not repeat the behaviors that allowed them to happen. When good things come along, take advantage of them and learn how to stimulate more good things like them to happen. That’s called creating your own luck, which is a far better option than trying to control the uncontrollable.


  • Whether success or failure, I want the satisfaction of knowing my results are my own.

The greatest thrill in business is to experience success that you manufactured yourself. The joy comes from knowing that I did that, me. Taking pride in one’s craft and working hard for one’s own rewards is the opportunity of a lifetime. Failures and missteps will happen along the way. That’s natural. When they occur, get up, learn from them, and move forward.


  • The right path is the one you make yourself that leads to your version of happiness.

We all have different ideas about what happiness is, which is why we shouldn’t all follow the same path. To embrace our unique passions and enjoy our own forms of fulfillment, we must be willing to step off the prescribed path and forge our own. No matter what your goals are, there’s always more than one way to realize them. Find yours.

My Goals

My goals in life are NOT to buy an island, drive a lambo or live in a 10 bedroom home in Banana island or Lekki peninsula.

My goals are instead to inspire everyone around me through the actions that I take, the lessons that I learn and the happiness I can share with others.

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