Happiness is free
Live it & Enjoy it

Nurse | Entrepreneur | Life Coach | Digital Normad

Odilo Alexander

Odilo Alexander is an entrepreneur who is passionate about self-improvement, helping others grow, and empowering people to live their dreams.  He loves to take ideas and turn them into reality, whether it be in business or life.  He lives in Lagos Stae Nigeria. I will work with you on how to achieve 6 things that really matters…

    1. How live a healthy and happy lifestyle devoid of recurrent hospital visits.
    2. Holistic Family bond fundamentals.
    3. How to know the best health insurance to choose without exceeding the elastic limit of your account balance.
    4. How to bounce back big when life hits hard.
    5. How master digital skillset necessary for cashing out online.
    6. How to turn your ideas into a profitable online business. Using my nurse designed methodology I guide my clients through the process of imagining, defining, branding, developing and launching your own online business. The world needs people like you to share your passions and gifts – and I am here to help you do this!

What i do

Using my nurse designed methodology I guide my clients through the process of imagining, defining, branding, developing and launching your own online business and empowering them to live a healthier life.

I Coach

My programs are designed to support you along the way to gain full control over your life and find the balance you need succeed

I Write

i share my thoughts and experiences which formed the building blocks of what sharpens my reality today

I Speak

i talk and share notable insights on trending healthcare topics with the sole aim of health promotion and maintenance

Work With Me

I believe that everyone has the right to a happy, fulfilling, and incredible life. I know that you can live the life of your dreams.
And i also believe that finding the right coaching program for you should be fast, easy, and simple.
Furtnermore i also believe that living your life to its fullest is not only a possibility but will become your reality if we work together to attain our highest self.
Happiness is free…. get in touch let’s make something awesome together.

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